My all time favorite wedding videographer, Andrew Hsu, threw in a relaunch party in San Francisco on last Wednesday evening. Andrew renamed his company from Morning Star Videography to the new name -
Studio MSV. Great party, rock music and tasty food. I also met many photographers and other vendors in the party, of course, became new friends now! Here are some pictures I captured in the party, hey I just found out Andrew edited a
short video for the party, too! Cheers!
New Studio MSV logo.

Nice collateral given out by Andrew.

My new friends, Kim and Niki.

Jennifer, Andrew, and I.

Samantha and Nicol, Wedding Consultant from
Little Blue Box Weddings.

Andrew and my new friends, Monica & Ed from Vallejo.


Contemprory flower decoration by
SprilHand Floral.

Andrew's speech...

Two top ranked wedding videographers, Andrew and Justin from
Justin Fone Productions.